Monday April 8th, 2024.


Join us for a fun day of golf to raise $40,000 for our school at Niños de la Luz in Honduras + Watch the Solar Eclipse with your buddies! 

Heart4Children operates as Niños de la Luz (“Children of the Light”) near La Ceiba, Honduras. We operate a home for boys and a community school for both boys and girls. As a faith-based organization, we provide a solid spiritual foundation. Our goal is to nurture the whole child, meeting their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs to encourage their growth into mature, self-sufficient adults.

* Remember to ask your employer for a matching donation for whatever you choose to contribute towards the golf tournament.

This golf tournament is no gymics, just a golf tournament! No purchasing of muligans, magic strings, or any other advantage.

We will provide the glasses so you can watch the eclipse from wherever you are on the golf course!

Event Schedule

7:15 a.m.: Registration Begins
7:30 a.m.: breakfast and practice.
8:45am: In your cart and ready to roll, hear instructions for the day!
Post-Tournament: BBQ Lunch, Silent Auction, and Awards Presentation

Come on out and join the fun!

High Meadow Golf Course: 37300 Golf Club Trail, Magnolia, TX 77355


Thank You to our Sponsors

"There's an old saying,'It's a poor craftsman who blames his tools.' It's usually the player who misses those three-footers, not the putter."